Finding the right document management company

Finding the Right Document Management Company: Qualities to Consider

Finding a document storage and archival company can make a significant difference in the security, accessibility, and longevity of your stored documents. 

The Essential Qualities and Tools that Differentiate Document Management Companies

  • Security and Compliance Expertise: Your provider should have an in-depth understanding of industry-specific regulations and compliance requirements.

  • Certification: Accredited companies with relevant certifications are committed to service quality standards. Here's what to look out for:

    • ISO27001 is the framework for safeguarding against security threats, outlining the management and protection of sensitive information, including requirements for risk assessment, security controls, and incident resolution.

    • ISO9001 specifies the requirements for a quality management system. ISO9001 protocols facilitate easy system analysis for controlling quality.

  • Access Controls: Documents should be secure and restricted, accessible only by authorised personnel. Your records management partner should keep a comprehensive record and use it to form the base of an Audit Trail.

  • Audit Trail: A robust system for cataloguing, indexing, and tracking the movement of your papers. By also monitoring access and alterations, audit trials ensure compliance, maintain data integrity, enhance security, resolve disputes, and drive continuous improvement. 

  • Disaster Recovery and Redundancy: Disaster recovery plans and redundancy measures ensure the safety of your documents. The archival company should have protocols to protect your documents from loss due to disasters. 

Distinctive Digital Features

Archival companies that augment physical archiving with digital tools can tailor solutions to your specific needs. Look for providers willing to work closely with you to design a storage plan that aligns with your requirements.

  • Digital Platform: A user-friendly digital archive platform allows you to manage your stored documents remotely. Look for easy search capabilities, secure login, and customisable access permissions.

  • Automated Retention Management: A system that automates the records management lifecycle, from retention to shredding, ensures you hold documents only as long as legally required. 

  • Digital Delivery: A reputable archival partner should offer efficient means to access your documents digitally, promoting convenience and access agility.

  • Production Scanning Capabilities: By systematically digitising your archive, you ensure preservation and facilitate efficient access and retrieval. A well-structured scanning schedule promptly integrates records with a digital system, maintaining an up-to-date and comprehensive digital archive. This approach enhances overall records management efficiency and lays the foundation for seamless integration with future technologies and techniques.

When evaluating archival companies, prioritise qualities like security, compliance expertise, and state-of-the-art facilities. Document Management Companies can offer distinctive tools such as advanced digital archive platforms, document scanning services, and integrated document management to set themselves apart. 

By carefully considering these qualities and tools, you can confidently choose an archival partner that meets and exceeds your document storage needs.

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