Quality & Security
ISO 14001 Environmental
Datatron Document Image Archiving Limited recognises that its activities impact upon the environment both through its internal operations and through its influences and effects on the wider community.
It acknowledges a responsibility for, and a commitment to, protection of the environment (i.e. pollution prevention) at all levels.
We will comply fully with environmental legislation as well as the requirements of Interested Parties and in addition are committed to continued efforts to: –
- Promote environmental policies and practices in all of its client organisations.
- Increase awareness of environmental responsibilities among all employees.
- Minimise waste and harmful impact, and develop and operate environmentally sound waste management procedures,
- Promote a purchasing policy that will give preference, as far as practicable to those products and services that cause the least harm to the environment.
- Avoid wherever practical the use of environmentally damaging substances, materials and processes.
- Promote the efficient use of energy and water among both employees and clients
Promoting a culture of continuous improvement based upon the company’s stated objectives and the BS 14001 standard.